Quotes of Seneca The Younger - somelinesforyou

“ He who is brave is free. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ I shall never be ashamed to quote a bad author if what he says is good. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He robs present ills of their power who has perceived their coming beforehand. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ I shall never be ashamed to quote a bad author if what he says is good. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He suffers more that is necessary, who suffers before it is necessary. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He robs present ills of their power who has perceived their coming beforehand. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He robs present ills of their power who has perceived their coming beforehand. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He robs present ills of their power who has perceived their coming beforehand. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He suffers more that is necessary, who suffers before it is necessary. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger

“ He who is everywhere is nowhere. ”

- Seneca the Younger
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