Quotes of Sean John Combs - somelinesforyou

“ He cried on television? Man, try being a black man for a day. I feel like crying all the time. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ Yo the sun don't shine forever, but as long as it's here then we might as well shine together, better now than never. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I give all glory to God. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ Yo the sun don't shine forever, but as long as it's here then we might as well shine together, better now than never. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I give all glory to God. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ It's okay to be crazy, but don't be insane. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ It's okay to be crazy, but don't be insane. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I give all glory to God. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ It's okay to be crazy, but don't be insane. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ It's okay to be crazy, but don't be insane. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ I feel safe in white because, deep down inside, I'm an angel. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ Yo the sun don't shine forever, but as long as it's here then we might as well shine together, better now than never. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ Yo the sun don't shine forever, but as long as it's here then we might as well shine together, better now than never. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ Yo the sun don't shine forever, but as long as it's here then we might as well shine together, better now than never. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ Yo the sun don't shine forever, but as long as it's here then we might as well shine together, better now than never. ”

- Sean John Combs

“ It's okay to be crazy, but don't be insane. ”

- Sean John Combs
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