Quotes of Sean Hannity - somelinesforyou

“ Hang - hang - hang on a second,... I want to get perspective in this sense, that earlier today, Fox was showing the images of the convoys, of the people getting in there with the convoys. There was food. There was medicine. There was water. And there were supplies - what is the time frame, is anybody saying, that we're going to get that, that was going in there today, to the people that you're talking about? ”

- Sean Hannity

“ There's a lot of massacres going on in the world. As you know, 37,000 Kurds in Turkey, over a million people in Sudan. We have hundreds of thousands in Rwanda and Burundi. I mean, where do we stop? ”

- Sean Hannity

“ There's a lot of massacres going on in the world. As you know, 37,000 Kurds in Turkey, over a million people in Sudan. We have hundreds of thousands in Rwanda and Burundi. I mean, where do we stop? ”

- Sean Hannity

“ There's a lot of massacres going on in the world. As you know, 37,000 Kurds in Turkey, over a million people in Sudan. We have hundreds of thousands in Rwanda and Burundi. I mean, where do we stop? ”

- Sean Hannity

“ All right, Shep, I want to get some perspective here. ”

- Sean Hannity

“ There's a lot of massacres going on in the world. As you know, 37,000 Kurds in Turkey, over a million people in Sudan. We have hundreds of thousands in Rwanda and Burundi. I mean, where do we stop? ”

- Sean Hannity

“ All right, Shep, I want to get some perspective here. ”

- Sean Hannity

“ All right, Shep, I want to get some perspective here. ”

- Sean Hannity

“ There's a lot of massacres going on in the world. As you know, 37,000 Kurds in Turkey, over a million people in Sudan. We have hundreds of thousands in Rwanda and Burundi. I mean, where do we stop? ”

- Sean Hannity

“ All right, Shep, I want to get some perspective here. ”

- Sean Hannity

“ All right, Shep, I want to get some perspective here. ”

- Sean Hannity
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