Quotes of Scott Young - somelinesforyou

“ We're just banged up some. That was a real physical ballgame. ”

- Scott Young

“ We're just banged up some. That was a real physical ballgame. ”

- Scott Young

“ Wade's very, very talented. But he has the luxury of running behind a great (offensive) line. I don't know any running back that wouldn't want to run behind those guys. ”

- Scott Young

“ Wade's very, very talented. But he has the luxury of running behind a great (offensive) line. I don't know any running back that wouldn't want to run behind those guys. ”

- Scott Young

“ Wade's very, very talented. But he has the luxury of running behind a great (offensive) line. I don't know any running back that wouldn't want to run behind those guys. ”

- Scott Young

“ The biggest job was defining the processes rather than setting up the technology. We took a process that was manually intensive and was done internally, and we created a system that enabled their distributors to enter their own orders. ”

- Scott Young

“ I said it would come down to mistakes, and I guess I had it scouted out pretty good. Maybe they made one more than we did. ”

- Scott Young

“ You can't rely just on talent to win. ”

- Scott Young

“ Wade's very, very talented. But he has the luxury of running behind a great (offensive) line. I don't know any running back that wouldn't want to run behind those guys. ”

- Scott Young

“ What makes Beaty so tough is his patience. ”

- Scott Young

“ You can't rely just on talent to win. ”

- Scott Young

“ What makes Beaty so tough is his patience. ”

- Scott Young

“ Lee's really got 'em going in the right direction. ”

- Scott Young

“ We're just banged up some. That was a real physical ballgame. ”

- Scott Young

“ You can't rely just on talent to win. ”

- Scott Young

“ We're just banged up some. That was a real physical ballgame. ”

- Scott Young

“ You can't rely just on talent to win. ”

- Scott Young

“ We're just banged up some. That was a real physical ballgame. ”

- Scott Young

“ You can't rely just on talent to win. ”

- Scott Young
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