Quotes of Scott Garrett - somelinesforyou

“ The warped ideology that led 19 fanatics to lead a suicidal attack is still unfortunately with us. Our nation rejects their ideology of hatred and death. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ The warped ideology that led 19 fanatics to lead a suicidal attack is still unfortunately with us. Our nation rejects their ideology of hatred and death. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ The warped ideology that led 19 fanatics to lead a suicidal attack is still unfortunately with us. Our nation rejects their ideology of hatred and death. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ I strongly believe in a woman's right to choose. It is a right of privacy issue between a woman and her doctor. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ The warped ideology that led 19 fanatics to lead a suicidal attack is still unfortunately with us. Our nation rejects their ideology of hatred and death. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ A guy like John Givens, who sells at farmers markets, that's the way to go. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ A guy like John Givens, who sells at farmers markets, that's the way to go. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ I strongly believe in a woman's right to choose. It is a right of privacy issue between a woman and her doctor. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ The warped ideology that led 19 fanatics to lead a suicidal attack is still unfortunately with us. Our nation rejects their ideology of hatred and death. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ China must learn to respect the aspirations of Taiwan's 23 million people who want to be masters of their own land. Taiwan is a free and democratic nation and deserves to be treated with respect by the international community. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ I strongly believe in a woman's right to choose. It is a right of privacy issue between a woman and her doctor. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ A guy like John Givens, who sells at farmers markets, that's the way to go. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ A guy like John Givens, who sells at farmers markets, that's the way to go. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ A guy like John Givens, who sells at farmers markets, that's the way to go. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ A guy like John Givens, who sells at farmers markets, that's the way to go. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ I strongly believe in a woman's right to choose. It is a right of privacy issue between a woman and her doctor. ”

- Scott Garrett

“ It's increasingly making sense for that product to come into the southeast United States. ”

- Scott Garrett
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