Quotes of Savitri Devi - somelinesforyou

“ I worship impersonal Nature, which is neither "good" or "bad", and who knows neither love nor hatred. I worship Life; the Sun, Sustainer of life. I believe in the Law of everlasting struggle, which is the law of life, and in the duty of the best specimens of our race — the natural élite of mankind — to rule the earth, and evolve out of themselves a caste of supermen, a people 'like unto the Gods'. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ Whether Hindus or Greeks, Egyptians or Japanese, Chinese, Sumerians, or ancient Americans or even Romans, the most "modern" among people of antiquity they all placed the Golden Age, the Age of Truth, the rule of Kronos or of Ra or of any other gods on earth the glorious beginning of the slow, downward unfurling of history, whatever name it be given far behind them in the past. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry (infliction of pain upon creatures that can never be for or against any cause), does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ I believe in the Law of everlasting struggle, which is the law of life, and in the duty of the best specimens of our race - the natural 'lite of mankind - to rule the earth, and evolve out of themselves a caste of supermen, a people 'like unto the Gods'. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ I believe in the Law of everlasting struggle, which is the law of life, and in the duty of the best specimens of our race - the natural 'lite of mankind - to rule the earth, and evolve out of themselves a caste of supermen, a people 'like unto the Gods'. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ I worship impersonal Nature, which is neither "good" or "bad", and who knows neither love nor hatred. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ Europe is merely powerful; India is beautiful. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ Europe is merely powerful; India is beautiful. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ Respect the man of noble races other than your own, who carries out, in a different place, a combat parallel to yours — to ours. He is your ally. He is our ally, be he at the other end of the world. Love all living things whose humble task is not opposed in any way to yours, to ours: men with simple hearts, honest, without vanity and malice, and all the animals, because they are beautiful, without exception and without exception indifferent to whatever "idea" there may be… ”

- Savitri Devi

“ Europe is merely powerful; India is beautiful. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ I believe in the Law of everlasting struggle, which is the law of life, and in the duty of the best specimens of our race - the natural 'lite of mankind - to rule the earth, and evolve out of themselves a caste of supermen, a people 'like unto the Gods'. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi

“ A 'civilization' that makes such a ridiculous fuss about alleged 'war crimes' - acts of violence against the actual or potential enemies of one's cause - and tolerates slaughterhouses and vivisection laboratories, and circuses and the fur industry does not deserve to live. ”

- Savitri Devi
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