Quotes of Sami ElSoudani - somelinesforyou

“ This is a sad story, Of three Brethren kings, Hijackers of the mind, Who obviously need no wings, Three snatchers of religion, Three monarchs with ambition. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ On Hijacking of Judaism: My sad story of shock and awe, Began three thousands years ago, When calf worship was high and low, As Ben Nebat, the King of Israel, Took off hijacking Judaism, Which is still hijacked by Zionism, But who in his right mind: Could have ever been imagined? That Ben Nebat's dreadful mission, Was the beginning of a long tradition, Of brutal hijackers with ambition, One hijacker following another; Kingdoms competing with each other, Till they left the promised land, To a nevernever land, Where Exodus is openended, And the true Torah is suspended, As the Sinai Ark of the Covenant, Has for long been apprehended, And the only true word of God, With no clue, or alibi. Is nowhere to be found; Like a pie in the sky ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ And on the Second Hijacking of Christianity: But most sinister of Brethren Kings, Was Roman Emperor Constantine, Forcing the invention of a Trinity God, By inviting the Council of the Nicene, While he kept an undivided, Dearest and nearest Roman Empire, What else a monarch, so cunning, Could have had for his ultimate desire, Then he decreed that the Trinity God, Shall be Master of the Roman Empire, But the irony came on his death bed, Seeking a priest for a final prayer. The Emperor died Unitarian instead, For it was Eusebius who baptized, Constantine as a dying Emperor, A non Trinitarian was thus empowered, And entrusted with the high honor. Of an Emperor departing a miserable world, In widespread quandary and strife, With never ending schism and confusion, Adding serious threat to life. With hundreds of heretics burned to stakes, Others beheaded by an ax or a knife, And while limiting religious freedoms. This Trinity God is in fact polytheism, A Doctrine considered by Jews and Moslems, To be "Shirk": just a form of paganism. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ And on Hijacking of Contemporary Islam, And the last of Brethren Kings. Is King Fahd of the Saudi Arabs, Who pretends to be fighting terrorism. With abundant petrodollars. Allied with vicious imperialism. Oppressing freedoms and scholars. A most subtle mask indeed. As the mighty rich Saudis, Plagued with tribal family greed, Are hijackers of Islam, In fact audacious King Fahd, Recently declared a real sham, As he went on attacking Islam, Using terms of monarchial deceit, Calling it a government by the elite, Devoid of Westernstyle Democracy, What ignorance, what hypocrisy! A selfserving declaration, For a dictatorial theocracy, So now the Saudis are carving out. Their "Hypocritical Protocol," Bringing down their entire nation. Under Saudis' solid control, With their polygamist breeding wives. Delivering thousands of Saudi lives, As a onefamliygovernment body. Of corrupt men with dozens of wives, No longer armed with daggers and knives, Thanks to their loyal imperial powers, Their arms are missiles and radar towers, Whence their grip on political power, While thoughts of democracy and freedom leave them ill tempered and even sour. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ And finally On All Hijackings of Religion. That was my sad story, Of three brethren kings, Hijackers of the mind, Who obviously need no wings, Exploiters of religion, Three monarchs with ambition. But for now my alltime brothers, And sisters reading my sad story, These hijackers have had their druthers, And some even celebrated their glory; But don't ye grieve or be uptight. So long as we all this time get it right; We must reach out and pull one another, So we all can make it through a very long night, Rising above the abyss of dirt and mud, Remembering that with every daybreak, There is a new beginning with God. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ Those readers in search for the ultimate and totally unbiased truth about the three major world religions will wake up to the fact that these are but one religion serving the One God of all humans as one people, which have been referred to in the Qur’an as “People of the Book. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ Truth in religion is such a precious commodity unlike any other possession of a human being in that each, and every one of us can only find it on his, or her own.  This book is not about a call for conversion or coercion into any type of religious persuasion.  Our charter is merely to motivate humans and awaken their senses before it is too late, and before one’s last moment in this world arrives, to search for the truth in the interest of personal salvation, and in that quest every human being is all alone. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ This is a sad story, Of three Brethren kings, Hijackers of the mind, Who obviously need no wings, Three snatchers of religion, Three monarchs with ambition. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ On Hijacking of Judaism: My sad story of shock and awe, Began three thousands years ago, When calf worship was high and low, As Ben Nebat, the King of Israel, Took off hijacking Judaism, Which is still hijacked by Zionism, But who in his right mind: Could have ever been imagined? That Ben Nebat's dreadful mission, Was the beginning of a long tradition, Of brutal hijackers with ambition, One hijacker following another; Kingdoms competing with each other, Till they left the promised land, To a nevernever land, Where Exodus is openended, And the true Torah is suspended, As the Sinai Ark of the Covenant, Has for long been apprehended, And the only true word of God, With no clue, or alibi. Is nowhere to be found; Like a pie in the sky ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ And on the Second Hijacking of Christianity: But most sinister of Brethren Kings, Was Roman Emperor Constantine, Forcing the invention of a Trinity God, By inviting the Council of the Nicene, While he kept an undivided, Dearest and nearest Roman Empire, What else a monarch, so cunning, Could have had for his ultimate desire, Then he decreed that the Trinity God, Shall be Master of the Roman Empire, But the irony came on his death bed, Seeking a priest for a final prayer. The Emperor died Unitarian instead, For it was Eusebius who baptized, Constantine as a dying Emperor, A non Trinitarian was thus empowered, And entrusted with the high honor. Of an Emperor departing a miserable world, In widespread quandary and strife, With never ending schism and confusion, Adding serious threat to life. With hundreds of heretics burned to stakes, Others beheaded by an ax or a knife, And while limiting religious freedoms. This Trinity God is in fact polytheism, A Doctrine considered by Jews and Moslems, To be "Shirk": just a form of paganism. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ And on Hijacking of Contemporary Islam, And the last of Brethren Kings. Is King Fahd of the Saudi Arabs, Who pretends to be fighting terrorism. With abundant petrodollars. Allied with vicious imperialism. Oppressing freedoms and scholars. A most subtle mask indeed. As the mighty rich Saudis, Plagued with tribal family greed, Are hijackers of Islam, In fact audacious King Fahd, Recently declared a real sham, As he went on attacking Islam, Using terms of monarchial deceit, Calling it a government by the elite, Devoid of Westernstyle Democracy, What ignorance, what hypocrisy! A selfserving declaration, For a dictatorial theocracy, So now the Saudis are carving out. Their "Hypocritical Protocol," Bringing down their entire nation. Under Saudis' solid control, With their polygamist breeding wives. Delivering thousands of Saudi lives, As a onefamliygovernment body. Of corrupt men with dozens of wives, No longer armed with daggers and knives, Thanks to their loyal imperial powers, Their arms are missiles and radar towers, Whence their grip on political power, While thoughts of democracy and freedom leave them ill tempered and even sour. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ And finally On All Hijackings of Religion. That was my sad story, Of three brethren kings, Hijackers of the mind, Who obviously need no wings, Exploiters of religion, Three monarchs with ambition. But for now my alltime brothers, And sisters reading my sad story, These hijackers have had their druthers, And some even celebrated their glory; But don't ye grieve or be uptight. So long as we all this time get it right; We must reach out and pull one another, So we all can make it through a very long night, Rising above the abyss of dirt and mud, Remembering that with every daybreak, There is a new beginning with God. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ Truth in religion is such a precious commodity unlike any other possession of a human being in that each, and every one of us can only find it on his, or her own.  This book is not about a call for conversion or coercion into any type of religious persuasion.  Our charter is merely to motivate humans and awaken their senses before it is too late, and before one’s last moment in this world arrives, to search for the truth in the interest of personal salvation, and in that quest every human being is all alone. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ The September 11 tragedies provided the Bush Administration with all the psychological, diplomatic, and administrative pull it needed to turn Americans’ controllable “fear of terror” into uncontrollable “terror of fear”, amid hysteria and rhetoric, topped often with outright lies, or unsubstantiated claims here and there, by some of the highest United States Administration officials. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ Those readers in search for the ultimate and totally unbiased truth about the three major world religions will wake up to the fact that these are but one religion serving the One God of all humans as one people, which have been referred to in the Qur’an as “People of the Book. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ In this three volume book I have provided as truthfully as I can a comprehensive theological critique as represented by the book title “In the Beginning: Hijacking of the Religion of God” revealing beyond the shadow of a doubt that we “People of the Book” have wronged our God beyond measure. But now as individual human beings standing before Him, oneonOne in His service, and knowing that “no soul shall bear the burden of another”, and that God is Just, Merciful, and Loving, we must never forget that “WITH EVERY DAYBREAK THERE IS A NEW BEGINNING WITH God. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ And on the Second Hijacking of Christianity: But most sinister of Brethren Kings, Was Roman Emperor Constantine, Forcing the invention of a Trinity God, By inviting the Council of the Nicene, While he kept an undivided, Dearest and nearest Roman Empire, What else a monarch, so cunning, Could have had for his ultimate desire, Then he decreed that the Trinity God, Shall be Master of the Roman Empire, But the irony came on his death bed, Seeking a priest for a final prayer. The Emperor died Unitarian instead, For it was Eusebius who baptized, Constantine as a dying Emperor, A non Trinitarian was thus empowered, And entrusted with the high honor. Of an Emperor departing a miserable world, In widespread quandary and strife, With never ending schism and confusion, Adding serious threat to life. With hundreds of heretics burned to stakes, Others beheaded by an ax or a knife, And while limiting religious freedoms. This Trinity God is in fact polytheism, A Doctrine considered by Jews and Moslems, To be "Shirk": just a form of paganism. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ Those readers in search for the ultimate and totally unbiased truth about the three major world religions will wake up to the fact that these are but one religion serving the One God of all humans as one people, which have been referred to in the Qur’an as “People of the Book. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ This is a sad story, Of three Brethren kings, Hijackers of the mind, Who obviously need no wings, Three snatchers of religion, Three monarchs with ambition. ”

- Sami ElSoudani

“ In this three volume book I have provided as truthfully as I can a comprehensive theological critique as represented by the book title “In the Beginning: Hijacking of the Religion of God” revealing beyond the shadow of a doubt that we “People of the Book” have wronged our God beyond measure. But now as individual human beings standing before Him, oneonOne in His service, and knowing that “no soul shall bear the burden of another”, and that God is Just, Merciful, and Loving, we must never forget that “WITH EVERY DAYBREAK THERE IS A NEW BEGINNING WITH God. ”

- Sami ElSoudani
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