Quotes of Rupi Kaur - somelinesforyou

“ The irony of loneliness is we all feel it at the same time — together. ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ Loneliness is a sign you are in desperate need of yourself. ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ What’s it to me if you love me or miss me or need me when you are doing nothing to be with me if you can’t allow me to be the love of your life I will be the loss of your life instead ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ i am a museum full of art but you had your eyes shut ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ he placed his hands on my mind before reaching for my waist my hips or my lips he didn't call me beautiful first he called me exquisite how he touches me ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ the very thought of you has my legs spread apart like an easel with a canvas begging for art ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ love will come and when love comes love will hold you love will call your name and you will melt sometimes though love will hurt you but love will never mean to love will play no games cause love knows life has been hard enough already ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ i am not a hotel room. i am home i am not the whiskey you want i am the water you need don't come here with expectations and try to make a vacation out of me ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ it was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole. ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ he placed his hands on my mind before reaching for my waist my hips or my lips he didn't call me beautiful first he called me exquisite how he touches me ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ i don't blame you for not knowing how to remain soft with me. sometimes i stay up thinking of all the places you are hurting which you'll never care to mention. i come from the same aching blood. from the same bone so desperate for attention i collapse in on myself. i am your daughter. i know the small talk is the only way you know how to tell me you love me. cause it is the only way i know how to tell you. ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ i have survived far too much to go quietly let a meteor take me call the thunder for backup my death will be grand the land will crack the sun will eat itself the day I leave ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ az erőszak ketté szakít de el nem pusztít ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ what is it with you and sunflowers he asks i point to the field of yellow outside sunflowers worship the sun i tell him only when it arrives do they rise when the sun leaves they bow their heads in mourning that is what the sun does to those flowers it's what you do to me the sun and her flowers ”

- Rupi Kaur

“ despite knowing they won’t be here for long they still choose to live their brightest lives sunflowers ”

- Rupi Kaur
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