Quotes of Roger Barnes - somelinesforyou

“ Self-discipline motivated by concern for others: this has been the standard of conduct which I have attempted to reach. ”

- Roger Barnes

“ Self-discipline motivated by concern for others: this has been the standard of conduct which I have attempted to reach. ”

- Roger Barnes

“ Self-discipline motivated by concern for others: this has been the standard of conduct which I have attempted to reach. ”

- Roger Barnes

“ If someone is wiser, if someone is happier by my having lived, my life will not have been in vain. ”

- Roger Barnes

“ Self-discipline motivated by concern for others: this has been the standard of conduct which I have attempted to reach. ”

- Roger Barnes

“ Self-discipline motivated by concern for others: this has been the standard of conduct which I have attempted to reach. ”

- Roger Barnes

“ Self-discipline motivated by concern for others: this has been the standard of conduct which I have attempted to reach. ”

- Roger Barnes
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