Quotes of Robert Stone - somelinesforyou

“ The scene is a writer's study, shabby, drafty but taxdeductible. The writer is reading the last hundred pages of his work in progress. For the past fifty or so, a kind of slow terror has been rising in his breast. All these pages had seemed necessary. They contain many good things. Ironies. Insights. And yet they seem to have a certain ineffable unsatisfactoriness. There is a word to describe this quality, the writer thinks, a horrible word. The B word. He begins to strike his forehead with a sweaty palm. ”

- Robert Stone

“ If you haven't fought for your life for something you want, you don't know what's life all about. ”

- Robert Stone

“ I think everybody must be aware that this society is a whole lot shakier now than it was before the war. I was trying to examine, in 'Dog Soldiers,' the process of that blow falling on America. ”

- Robert Stone

“ Everybody's after a new morning. What do we have to run up and salute tomorrow? ”

- Robert Stone

“ What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information. ”

- Robert Stone

“ It's all about letting the story take over. ”

- Robert Stone

“ I'm not much crazier than anybody else, but I'm not much saner. ”

- Robert Stone

“ It's easy to create a country, all you have to do is to think of a name for it. ”

- Robert Stone

“ Life is a means of extracting fiction. ”

- Robert Stone

“ There is a certain reverence for the sociopath as a major cultural type in American society, along with the frontiersman, the puritan and the outlaw. ”

- Robert Stone

“ Everybody's after a new morning. What do we have to run up and salute tomorrow? ”

- Robert Stone

“ Life is a means of extracting fiction. ”

- Robert Stone

“ I think everybody must be aware that this society is a whole lot shakier now than it was before the war. I was trying to examine, in 'Dog Soldiers,' the process of that blow falling on America. ”

- Robert Stone

“ It's creepy, knowing someone might be watching me. Why do they need that? ”

- Robert Stone

“ Everybody's after a new morning. What do we have to run up and salute tomorrow? ”

- Robert Stone

“ I'm not much crazier than anybody else, but I'm not much saner. ”

- Robert Stone

“ I'm not much crazier than anybody else, but I'm not much saner. ”

- Robert Stone

“ What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information. ”

- Robert Stone

“ What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information. ”

- Robert Stone

“ It's easy to create a country, all you have to do is to think of a name for it. ”

- Robert Stone

“ It's all about letting the story take over. ”

- Robert Stone

“ There is a certain reverence for the sociopath as a major cultural type in American society, along with the frontiersman, the puritan and the outlaw. ”

- Robert Stone

“ It's easy to create a country, all you have to do is to think of a name for it. ”

- Robert Stone

“ What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information. ”

- Robert Stone

“ Everybody's after a new morning. What do we have to run up and salute tomorrow? ”

- Robert Stone

“ What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information. ”

- Robert Stone

“ What is worst about America was acted out. What is best in America doesn't export. ”

- Robert Stone

“ What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information. ”

- Robert Stone

“ What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information. ”

- Robert Stone

“ What is worst about America was acted out. What is best in America doesn't export. ”

- Robert Stone
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