Quotes of Robert Nathan - somelinesforyou

“ How little we have, I thought, between us and the waiting cold, the mystery, deatha strip of beach, a hill, a few walls of wood or stone, a little fireand tomorrow's sun, rising and warming us, tomorrow's hope of peace and better weather . . . What if tomorrow vanished in the storm? What if time stood still? And yesterdayif once we lost our way, blundered in the stormwould we find yesterday again ahead of us, where we had thought tomorrow's sun would rise? ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Sonnet I am no stranger in the house of pain; I am familiar with its every part, From the low stile, then up the crooked lane To the dark doorway, intimate to my heart. Here did I sit with grief and eat his bread, Here was I welcomed as misfortune’s guest, And there’s no room but where I’ve laid my head On misery’s accomodating breast. So, sorrow, does my knocking rouse you up? Open the door, old mother; it is I. Bring grief’s good goblet out, the sad, sweet cup; Fill it with wine of silence, strong and dry. For I’ve a story to amuse your ears, Of youth and hope, of middle age and tears. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Asthma is very hard to diagnose in young children. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ These can only be prevented with inhaled steroids. Nothing else has been shown to be as effective. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ These can only be prevented with inhaled steroids. Nothing else has been shown to be as effective. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ God of pity and love, return to this earth. Go not so far away, leaving us to evil. Darkness is loose upon the world, the Devil Walks in the land, and there is nothing worth. Death like a dog runs howling from his lair; His bite has made men mad, they follow after All howling too, and their demoniac laughter Drowns like a sea our solitary prayer… ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that causes inflammation in the airways. As these tissues swell, they limit the volume of air that can pass into the lungs. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ God of pity and love, return to this earth. Go not so far away, leaving us to evil. Darkness is loose upon the world, the Devil Walks in the land, and there is nothing worth. Death like a dog runs howling from his lair; His bite has made men mad, they follow after All howling too, and their demoniac laughter Drowns like a sea our solitary prayer… ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Asthma is very hard to diagnose in young children. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ These can only be prevented with inhaled steroids. Nothing else has been shown to be as effective. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan

“ Give thanks for sorrow that teaches you pity; for pain that teaches you courage — and give exceeding thanks for the mystery which remains a mystery still - the veil that hides you from the infinite, which makes it possible for you to believe in what you cannot see. ”

- Robert Nathan
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