Quotes of Robby Krieger - somelinesforyou

“ Most groups today aren't groups. In a true group all the members create the arrangements among themselves. ”

- Robby Krieger

“ In The Doors we have both musicians and poets, and both know of each other's art, so we can effect a synthesis. ”

- Robby Krieger

“ It doesn't dampen my enthusiasm. It's just an annoyance. It seems like the better you're doing, the more that happens. If nothing's going on, nobody cares. ”

- Robby Krieger

“ In The Doors we have both musicians and poets, and both know of each other's art, so we can effect a synthesis. ”

- Robby Krieger

“ Most groups today aren't groups. In a true group all the members create the arrangements among themselves. ”

- Robby Krieger

“ We made some mistakes. We had some managers we didn't like and had to get rid of, and that cost some money. Stuff like that. But overall, we did really well. ”

- Robby Krieger
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