Quotes of Richard Wilson - somelinesforyou

“ Join me in a creating a miracle, by actively asking family, friends and colleagues to subscribe to the series...so as to have a full house each time. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ Join me in a creating a miracle, by actively asking family, friends and colleagues to subscribe to the series...so as to have a full house each time. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ It provides supportive evidence that most cot deaths are not murder, they are deaths from natural causes. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ If there's a frustration about the Rosebud season this year, it's that there's not enough Friday nights to screen all the good stuff that's currently available. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ My sense of responsibility to the audience is to screen things that they would never see in a local theater. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ He wanted to be a great architect and design great public buildings. Instead, he was doing a lot of private commissions. He just did these 'white elephants,' as Henry James called them. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ Once I walked away from someone asking for an autograph because I was in a real rush. That's the only time it's happened. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ I do find it quite easy to get angry, especially after a hard day. In public, you have to try and rein in your temper because people try and goad you into it. But I did lose it with a company the other day. I shrieked at them because they were lying about coming to fix my boiler… ”

- Richard Wilson

“ What's special about Rosebud is we're watching these in a darkened theater. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ What's special about Rosebud is we're watching these in a darkened theater. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ My sense of responsibility to the audience is to screen things that they would never see in a local theater. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ What's special about Rosebud is we're watching these in a darkened theater. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ My sense of responsibility to the audience is to screen things that they would never see in a local theater. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ What language are you talking in now? It appears to be Bollocks. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ If there's a frustration about the Rosebud season this year, it's that there's not enough Friday nights to screen all the good stuff that's currently available. ”

- Richard Wilson

“ What language are you talking in now? It appears to be Bollocks. ”

- Richard Wilson
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