Quotes of Richard Roberts - somelinesforyou

“ It is not even the beginning of Christmas unless it is Christmas in the heart. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ It is not even the beginning of Christmas unless it is Christmas in the heart. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ It is not even the beginning of Christmas unless it is Christmas in the heart. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ Five and a half times earnings is the maximum I have seen for young professionals. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ The other thing is, when you see somebody smoking and you're trying to quit, you get that urge again. It doesn't help people quit. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ As long as our social order regards the good of institutions rather than the good of men, so long will there be a vocation for the rebel. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ As long as our social order regards the good of institutions rather than the good of men, so long will there be a vocation for the rebel. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ As long as our social order regards the good of institutions rather than the good of men, so long will there be a vocation for the rebel. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ As long as our social order regards the good of institutions rather than the good of men, so long will there be a vocation for the rebel. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ The other thing is, when you see somebody smoking and you're trying to quit, you get that urge again. It doesn't help people quit. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ As long as our social order regards the good of institutions rather than the good of men, so long will there be a vocation for the rebel. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ The other thing is, when you see somebody smoking and you're trying to quit, you get that urge again. It doesn't help people quit. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ It is not even the beginning of Christmas unless it is Christmas in the heart. ”

- Richard Roberts

“ As long as our social order regards the good of institutions rather than the good of men, so long will there be a vocation for the rebel. ”

- Richard Roberts
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