Quotes of Richard McCabe - somelinesforyou

“ We think that investors ought to use rebounds to reduce exposure to technology stocks that have declined by 40-to-50 percent or more from their recent highs,... They should also use pullbacks or tests to increase commitments to the energy, basic industry, consumer cyclical, and financial sectors of the market. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ We think that investors ought to use rebounds to reduce exposure to technology stocks that have declined by 40-to-50 percent or more from their recent highs,... They should also use pullbacks or tests to increase commitments to the energy, basic industry, consumer cyclical, and financial sectors of the market. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ We think that investors ought to use rebounds to reduce exposure to technology stocks that have declined by 40-to-50 percent or more from their recent highs,... They should also use pullbacks or tests to increase commitments to the energy, basic industry, consumer cyclical, and financial sectors of the market. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ Romeo and Juliet, with Leonardo Dicaprio, was fantastic for the simple reason it got so many young people watching Shakespeare. I get incredibly excited by anything which gets Shakespeare a wider audience. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ We think that investors ought to use rebounds to reduce exposure to technology stocks that have declined by 40-to-50 percent or more from their recent highs,... They should also use pullbacks or tests to increase commitments to the energy, basic industry, consumer cyclical, and financial sectors of the market. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ Romeo and Juliet, with Leonardo Dicaprio, was fantastic for the simple reason it got so many young people watching Shakespeare. I get incredibly excited by anything which gets Shakespeare a wider audience. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ The technology sector likely will , but it is not likely to revive the speculative situation we've seen over the last few months. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ Romeo and Juliet, with Leonardo Dicaprio, was fantastic for the simple reason it got so many young people watching Shakespeare. I get incredibly excited by anything which gets Shakespeare a wider audience. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ If you are feeling something, then Shakespeare felt it and wrote about it - and wrote about it so eloquently. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ It is strange how your understanding of a play changes. It normally happens after a performance and you suddenly think, 'So that's what that line really means' - it's like a light going on. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ It is strange how your understanding of a play changes. It normally happens after a performance and you suddenly think, 'So that's what that line really means' - it's like a light going on. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ The technology sector likely will , but it is not likely to revive the speculative situation we've seen over the last few months. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ We think that investors ought to use rebounds to reduce exposure to technology stocks that have declined by 40-to-50 percent or more from their recent highs,... They should also use pullbacks or tests to increase commitments to the energy, basic industry, consumer cyclical, and financial sectors of the market. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ It is strange how your understanding of a play changes. It normally happens after a performance and you suddenly think, 'So that's what that line really means' - it's like a light going on. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ We think that investors ought to use rebounds to reduce exposure to technology stocks that have declined by 40-to-50 percent or more from their recent highs,... They should also use pullbacks or tests to increase commitments to the energy, basic industry, consumer cyclical, and financial sectors of the market. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ The technology sector likely will , but it is not likely to revive the speculative situation we've seen over the last few months. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ We think that investors ought to use rebounds to reduce exposure to technology stocks that have declined by 40-to-50 percent or more from their recent highs,... They should also use pullbacks or tests to increase commitments to the energy, basic industry, consumer cyclical, and financial sectors of the market. ”

- Richard McCabe

“ Romeo and Juliet, with Leonardo Dicaprio, was fantastic for the simple reason it got so many young people watching Shakespeare. I get incredibly excited by anything which gets Shakespeare a wider audience. ”

- Richard McCabe
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