Quotes of Richard Deupree - somelinesforyou

“ I don't understand complicated problems. I only understand simple ones. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ I don't understand complicated problems. I only understand simple ones. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ I don't understand complicated problems. I only understand simple ones. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ I don't understand complicated problems. I only understand simple ones. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ I don't understand complicated problems. I only understand simple ones. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ I don't understand complicated problems. I only understand simple ones. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree

“ Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently. ”

- Richard Deupree
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