Quotes of Richard Clark - somelinesforyou

“ As part of our strategy going forward we are aggressively looking at alliances and joint ventures and acquisitions of biotech companies. ”

- Richard Clark

“ As part of our strategy going forward we are aggressively looking at alliances and joint ventures and acquisitions of biotech companies. ”

- Richard Clark

“ I miss working in narcotics, but I like the stability of working for the police department. ”

- Richard Clark

“ Merck has always been very financially conservative in the past, so we can not only fund the dividend and fund the running of the company but me can fund an acquisition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ The company also anticipates returning to bottom-line EPS growth, excluding restructuring charges, beginning in 2007. ”

- Richard Clark

“ I strongly believe that politicians misjudged the amount of national and local sentiment about this issue. ”

- Richard Clark

“ There are governments that are building units, military units and intelligence units, to engage in information warfare. They are developing capabilities, they are building the units, and in some cases they seem to be doing reconnaissance on our computer networks. ”

- Richard Clark

“ Merck has always been very financially conservative in the past, so we can not only fund the dividend and fund the running of the company but me can fund an acquisition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ Merck has always been very financially conservative in the past, so we can not only fund the dividend and fund the running of the company but me can fund an acquisition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ Perhaps the greatest blessing in marriage is that it lasts so long. The years, like the varying interests of each year, combine to buttress and enrich each other. Out of many shared years, one life. In a series of temporary relationships, one misses the ripening, gathering, harvesting joys, the deep, hard-won truths of marriage. ”

- Richard Clarke Cabot

“ The best current evidence is that media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers groceries causes change in our nutrition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ The best current evidence is that media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers groceries causes change in our nutrition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ I strongly believe that politicians misjudged the amount of national and local sentiment about this issue. ”

- Richard Clark

“ I miss working in narcotics, but I like the stability of working for the police department. ”

- Richard Clark

“ The best current evidence is that media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers groceries causes change in our nutrition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ When we try to serve or understand the world we touch what is divine. We get our dignity, our courage, our joy in work because of the greatness of the far-off and always in sight, always attainable, never at any moment attained. Service is one of the ways by which a tiny insect like one of us can get a purchase on the whole universe… ”

- Richard Clarke Cabot

“ Perhaps the greatest blessing in marriage is that it lasts so long. The years, like the varying interests of each year, combine to buttress and enrich each other. Out of many shared years, one life. In a series of temporary relationships, one misses the ripening, gathering, harvesting joys, the deep, hard-won truths of marriage. ”

- Richard Clarke Cabot

“ There are governments that are building units, military units and intelligence units, to engage in information warfare. They are developing capabilities, they are building the units, and in some cases they seem to be doing reconnaissance on our computer networks. ”

- Richard Clark

“ I strongly believe that politicians misjudged the amount of national and local sentiment about this issue. ”

- Richard Clark

“ The best current evidence is that media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers groceries causes change in our nutrition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ Perhaps the greatest blessing in marriage is that it lasts so long. The years, like the varying interests of each year, combine to buttress and enrich each other. Out of many shared years, one life. In a series of temporary relationships, one misses the ripening, gathering, harvesting joys, the deep, hard-won truths of marriage. ”

- Richard Clarke Cabot

“ The company also anticipates returning to bottom-line EPS growth, excluding restructuring charges, beginning in 2007. ”

- Richard Clark

“ I miss working in narcotics, but I like the stability of working for the police department. ”

- Richard Clark

“ Most people are good people. Usually, everybody does right. ”

- Richard Clark

“ I miss working in narcotics, but I like the stability of working for the police department. ”

- Richard Clark

“ The best current evidence is that media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers groceries causes change in our nutrition. ”

- Richard Clark

“ Perhaps the greatest blessing in marriage is that it lasts so long. The years, like the varying interests of each year, combine to buttress and enrich each other. Out of many shared years, one life. In a series of temporary relationships, one misses the ripening, gathering, harvesting joys, the deep, hard-won truths of marriage. ”

- Richard Clarke Cabot

“ We continue to believe we can generate compound annualized revenue growth, including 50% of the revenues from the joint ventures from which the company derives equity income, of between 4 to 6% through 2010. We also believe we can deliver double-digit compound earnings growth, excluding restructuring charges, over the next three to five years. ”

- Richard Clark

“ When we try to serve or understand the world we touch what is divine. We get our dignity, our courage, our joy in work because of the greatness of the far-off and always in sight, always attainable, never at any moment attained. Service is one of the ways by which a tiny insect like one of us can get a purchase on the whole universe… ”

- Richard Clarke Cabot

“ The best current evidence is that media are mere vehicles that deliver instruction but do not influence student achievement any more than the truck that delivers groceries causes change in our nutrition. ”

- Richard Clark
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