Quotes of Richard Brooks - somelinesforyou

“ We're trying redefine Virginia Beach more as a luxury destination. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ I don't know that it is so much how someone else is going to read you, but more a matter of how you are going to project yourself, and psych your own attitudes. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ We're trying redefine Virginia Beach more as a luxury destination. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ I don't know that it is so much how someone else is going to read you, but more a matter of how you are going to project yourself, and psych your own attitudes. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ It's unbelievable. I believe when the door closes I'm going to be on the other side of the door. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ I don't know that it is so much how someone else is going to read you, but more a matter of how you are going to project yourself, and psych your own attitudes. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ We're trying redefine Virginia Beach more as a luxury destination. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ I don't know that it is so much how someone else is going to read you, but more a matter of how you are going to project yourself, and psych your own attitudes. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ We're trying redefine Virginia Beach more as a luxury destination. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ We're trying redefine Virginia Beach more as a luxury destination. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ It's unbelievable. I believe when the door closes I'm going to be on the other side of the door. ”

- Richard Brooks

“ We're trying redefine Virginia Beach more as a luxury destination. ”

- Richard Brooks
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