Quotes of Rassool Jibraeel Snyman - somelinesforyou

“ Ignorance is not bliss its painful and embarrassing ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ When your underwear costs more than your child's education then you are in serious trouble" RjS ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Many are they who seek to guide other to the path yet they themselves are lost ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Ignorance is a crime against ones self ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Ignorance is not bliss its painful and embarrassing ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ By denying the youth an education you murder the future RjS ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Its only by educating the youth to challenge you that you remove the chains on their minds that you have placed there RjS ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ When your underwear costs more than your child's education then you are in serious trouble" RjS ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Many are they who seek to guide other to the path yet they themselves are lost ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Ignorance is a crime against ones self ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Ignorance is not bliss its painful and embarrassing ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ By denying the youth an education you murder the future RjS ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman

“ Its only by educating the youth to challenge you that you remove the chains on their minds that you have placed there RjS ”

- rassool jibraeel snyman
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