Quotes of Rasheed Ogunlaru - somelinesforyou

“ The stiller you are the calmer life is. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Friendships and indeed most relationships are measured in the closeness of hearts, minds and soul ties... not in the distance of physical miles or even the passing of time. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ If you're jealous of someone else it simply means you have not come to a true acceptance and appreciation of yourself. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ While you'll feel compelled to charge forward it's often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ In leadership, life and all things it’s far wiser to judge people by their deeds than their speech their track record rather than their talk” – Rasheed Ogunlaru ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Expectation has brought me disappointment. Disappointment has brought me wisdom. Acceptance, gratitude and appreciation have brought me joy and fulfilment. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Where there's hurting what's the learning? ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ While you'll feel compelled to charge forward it's often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Live your life, sing your song. Not full of expectations. Not for the ovations. But for the joy of it. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Expectation has brought me disappointment. Disappointment has brought me wisdom. Acceptance, gratitude and appreciation have brought me joy and fulfilment. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Your words, thoughts, intentions and actions today are your best hope, comfort, building blocks and insurance for tomorrow. But it is now alone that is guaranteed – tomorrow is a dream, a maybe a potential gift. It’s now not tomorrow where happiness and fulfilment live...awaiting your discovery. It’s all this that will make each extra day that may arrive extra special and rich. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Why would I spend my life chasing rainbows when I can be still and see them in their full beauty ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ If you're jealous of someone else it simply means you have not come to a true acceptance and appreciation of yourself. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Why would I spend my life chasing rainbows when I can be still and see them in their full beauty ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ To me success and fulfilment lead in two different directions: one outwardly to the hope of glory, the other inwardly to the guarantee of peace. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ What success looks like from from the inside and outside is very different. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Ten Keys To Success: Number 0; there is no easy or guaranteed recipe. Number 11: some else's path to it will not be yours. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Ten Keys To Success: Number 0; there is no guaranteed or easy recipe. Number 11: some else's path to it will not be yours. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ While you'll feel compelled to charge forward it's often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Friendships and indeed most relationships are measured in the closeness of hearts, minds and soul ties... not in the distance of physical miles or even the passing of time. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Friendships and indeed most relationships are measured in the closeness of hearts, minds and soul ties... not in the distance of physical miles or even the passing of time. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Love is the key to a life well lived. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Only the foolish would think that wisdom is something to keep locked in a drawer. Only the fearful would feel empowerment is something best kept to oneself, or the few, and not shared with all. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

“ Only the foolish would think that wisdom is something to keep locked in a drawer. Only the fearful would feel empowerment is something best kept to oneself, or the few, and not shared with all. ”

- Rasheed Ogunlaru
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