Quotes of Pierce Brown - somelinesforyou

“ Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark. ”

- Pierce Brown

“ Personally, I do not want to make you a man. Men are so very frail. Men break. Men die. No, I’ve always wished to make a god. ”

- Pierce Brown

“ Death is easy when you've already tried to find it. ”

- Pierce Brown

“ Because honor still matters. Honor is what echoes." His father's words. But they are as empty on his lips as they feel in my ears. This was has taken everything from him. I see in his eyes how broken he is. how terribly hard he is trying to be his father's son. If he could, he would choose to be back by the campfire we made in the highlands of the Institute. He would return to the days of glory when life was simple, when friends seemed true. But wishing for the past doesn't clean the blood from either of our hands. ”

- Pierce Brown

“ I continue to exists, only because with existence there is still hope. ”

- Pierce Brown

“ Surrounded by the insanity of war, it's a special hope given knowing life can go on. ”

- Pierce Brown
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