Quotes of Phillip Hewett - somelinesforyou

“ You can't measure time in days the way you can money in dollars, because each day is different. ”

- Phillip Hewett

“ You can't measure time in days the way you can money in dollars, because each day is different. ”

- Phillip Hewett

“ You can't measure time in days the way you can money in dollars, because each day is different. ”

- Phillip Hewett

“ Talking about God is not at all the same thing as experiencing God, or acting out God through our lives. ”

- Phillip Hewett

“ Talking about God is not at all the same thing as experiencing God, or acting out God through our lives. ”

- Phillip Hewett

“ You can't measure time in days the way you can money in dollars, because each day is different. ”

- Phillip Hewett

“ Talking about God is not at all the same thing as experiencing God, or acting out God through our lives. ”

- Phillip Hewett

“ Talking about God is not at all the same thing as experiencing God, or acting out God through our lives. ”

- Phillip Hewett
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