Quotes of Phil Keoghan - somelinesforyou

“ I like to have fun with them. I like to toy with them a little bit. we're making television, after all. Right? ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I like to have fun with them. I like to toy with them a little bit. we're making television, after all. Right? ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ People ask me what the most important thing to take on the race is, and I always say it's a sense of humor. If you've got nothing but a sense of humor, you will survive. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ No Opportunity Wasted. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ With any good story, you need the adversary, the heroes and villains. You need a good mixture to make it work. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I like to have fun with them. I like to toy with them a little bit. we're making television, after all. Right? ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I like to have fun with them. I like to toy with them a little bit. we're making television, after all. Right? ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I like to have fun with them. I like to toy with them a little bit. we're making television, after all. Right? ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan

“ I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. ”

- Phil Keoghan
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