Quotes of Phil Cousineau - somelinesforyou

“ The practice of soulful travel is to discover the overlapping point between history and everyday life; the way to find the essence of every place, every day: in the markets, small chapels, out-of-the-way parks, craft shops. ”

- Phil Cousineau

“ Curiosity about the extraordinary in the ordinary moves the heart of the traveler intent on seeing behind the veil of tourism. ”

- Phil Cousineau

“ Reading old travel books or novels set in faraway places, spinning globes, unfolding maps, playing world music, eating in ethnic restaurants, meeting friends in cafes… all these things are part of never-ending travel practice, not unlike doing scales on a piano, shooting free-throws, or meditating. ”

- Phil Cousineau

“ Inspiration comes and goes, creativity is the result of practice. ”

- Phil Cousineau
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