Quotes of Perry Christie - somelinesforyou

“ The Bahamas must offer visitors greater value for their money in order to prevent the further loss of market share to competitors. ”

- Perry Christie

“ The Bahamas must offer visitors greater value for their money in order to prevent the further loss of market share to competitors. ”

- Perry Christie

“ The suffering of the Bahamian people is nearly ended. A new day is coming. It is almost here. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I have just come out of an electoral experience with the people of my country in which I invited them to join me in a partnership for governance. ”

- Perry Christie

“ The Bahamas is headed for unprecedented economic activity. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I have just come out of an electoral experience with the people of my country in which I invited them to join me in a partnership for governance. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I have just come out of an electoral experience with the people of my country in which I invited them to join me in a partnership for governance. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I have just come out of an electoral experience with the people of my country in which I invited them to join me in a partnership for governance. ”

- Perry Christie

“ The Bahamas is headed for unprecedented economic activity. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler. ”

- Perry Christie

“ The suffering of the Bahamian people is nearly ended. A new day is coming. It is almost here. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I have just come out of an electoral experience with the people of my country in which I invited them to join me in a partnership for governance. ”

- Perry Christie

“ I even had the illusion, for a very short time, that I could become a medium pace bowler. ”

- Perry Christie

“ And so with that spirit of confidence in our step and with that prayer in our heart, let us now quicken our pace to the victory that awaits us! ”

- Perry Christie

“ The Bahamas is headed for unprecedented economic activity. ”

- Perry Christie

“ The Bahamas is headed for unprecedented economic activity. ”

- Perry Christie

“ And so with that spirit of confidence in our step and with that prayer in our heart, let us now quicken our pace to the victory that awaits us! ”

- Perry Christie

“ The Bahamas is headed for unprecedented economic activity. ”

- Perry Christie

“ And so with that spirit of confidence in our step and with that prayer in our heart, let us now quicken our pace to the victory that awaits us! ”

- Perry Christie
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