Quotes of Pearl Cleage - somelinesforyou

“ Sisterhood is a funny thing. It’s easy to recognize, but hard to define. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ ...no woman can love a weak man hard enough to make him strong. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ ...no woman can love a weak man hard enough to make him strong. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ ...freedom can be a fulltime job if you let it. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ Feminism is to sexism what black nationalism is to racism; the most rational response to the problem. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ Feminism is to sexism what black nationalism is to racism; the most rational response to the problem. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ Feminism is to sexism what black nationalism is to racism; the most rational response to the problem. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ Feminism is to sexism what black nationalism is to racism; the most rational response to the problem. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ Feminism is to sexism what black nationalism is to racism; the most rational response to the problem. ”

- Pearl Cleage

“ Feminism is to sexism what black nationalism is to racism; the most rational response to the problem. ”

- Pearl Cleage
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