Quotes of Pavithra - somelinesforyou

“ A small lamp ignites hope in all, illuminates the darkness, gives rise to calmness. Let us also be a light of hope in everyones life irrespective of their gender, religion, caste and creed. ”

- pavithra

“ Stubborn nature is a curse, it breaks relationship,but it is a blessing too when it comes to complete ones task in time efficiently, which paves way for success. 2. Rose & John, loved, faced challenges,lived happily thereafter ”

- pavithra

“ Stubborn nature is a curse, it breaks relationship,but it is a blessing too when it comes to complete ones task in time efficiently, which paves way for success. ”

- pavithra

“ I have been trying to change my perceptions about a situation and it's conclusion, but. I have understood that we need to draw a line at an apt place, accept the realty and move on with an attitude of that's how life is ”

- pavithra
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