Quotes of Paul Rudd - somelinesforyou

“ There's a very specific thing you can do to get in magazines. I'm much happier to just show up and do the job. I haven't taken the active approach to making myself a star. I haven't been in a blockbuster. ”

- Paul Rudd

“ There's a very specific thing you can do to get in magazines. I'm much happier to just show up and do the job. I haven't taken the active approach to making myself a star. I haven't been in a blockbuster. ”

- Paul Rudd

“ When I was doing Shape of Things, which we'd done as a play, it was just so tired by the time we rolled tape. ”

- Paul Rudd

“ There's a very specific thing you can do to get in magazines. I'm much happier to just show up and do the job. I haven't taken the active approach to making myself a star. I haven't been in a blockbuster. ”

- Paul Rudd

“ When I was doing Shape of Things, which we'd done as a play, it was just so tired by the time we rolled tape. ”

- Paul Rudd

“ When I was doing Shape of Things, which we'd done as a play, it was just so tired by the time we rolled tape. ”

- Paul Rudd

“ When I was doing Shape of Things, which we'd done as a play, it was just so tired by the time we rolled tape. ”

- Paul Rudd
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