Quotes of Paul Rodriguez - somelinesforyou

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Girls are much more psychic than guys. They're the first to know if you're going to get laid. ”

- Paul Rodriguez

“ Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides should know they're in the game. ”

- Paul Rodriguez
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