Quotes of Pamela Clare - somelinesforyou

“ I love you, Katherine James. I love you with everything I am. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Remember that." Gabe Rossiter ”

- Pamela Clare

“ He held up the AK47, the muscles in his arm bunching against the weight. “This is an assault rifle.” Then held up the handgun. “This is a semiautomatic pistol.” Then he gave a little thrust of his hips and looked down at his penis. “That is my gun. As you’ve discovered, it’s pumpaction like a shotgun , but it doesn’t fire bullets. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ If you die, angel, it means I'm already dead. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ Her gaze met his, her blue eyes filled with confusion and terror – and love. If Julian hadn’t already been in love with her, that would have done it. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ When I realized I was going to die, the only thing I could think about was you and what an idiot I’d been for not telling you how I felt about you. I think I’ve loved you from the moment you lifted that awful blindfold off my face. I opened my eyes, and there you were, the bravest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. You set me free Natalie. In so many ways, you set me free. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ It’s not so much where I want you,Sophie, as it is how. Nothing tastes quite like a woman, and no woman tastes like you. Marc Hunter ”

- Pamela Clare

“ I couldn't have gotten through any of this without you. Through all of it, you've been my support, my anchor. I don't know how one man's shoulders can possibly be so strong." ... He tilted her face up to his. "With the love I feel for you, bella, I could lift up the world. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to be your morning lollipop, but I need to eat, too. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ Was he trying to rescue her? She fought not to roll her eyes. Men. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ He wanted to taste nothing unless it was the sweetness of her mouth, the musk of her arousal, the salt of her tears, wanted to touch nothing unless it was the silk of her hair, her soft curves, wanted to breathe nothing unless it had come from her lungs. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ So that’s it? You’re just going to rescue me and go? ”

- Pamela Clare

“ She missed his voice, the music he played on his guitar, the sound of his laughter. And sex. yes, she missed that, too. Having the evenings and weekends free to whatever she wantedsomething she had once cherished about being singlewasn't nearly as satisfying as doing those things with Javier. But that's what it meant to love a military man. ”

- Pamela Clare

“ They danced slow circles in the sand, Javier singing the words to the Spanish version of the song, the melancholy music putting a strange ache in his chest, an ache he saw reflected in her eyes. Was she feeling what he was feeling? ”

- Pamela Clare
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