Quotes of Otto Friedrich - somelinesforyou

“ It teaches that war is cruel and wasteful but sometimes necessary. That a blundering victory is more to be valued than a heroic defeat. That might and right sometimes come to the same end. All these things happened on June 6, 1944. ”

- Otto Friedrich

“ Madness is part of all of us, all the time, and it comes and goes, waxes and wanes. ”

- Otto Friedrich

“ The lessons that it teaches are fundamentally the lessons that all great battles teach That even the most carefully prepared plans often go wrong. That lucky breaks are very important. ”

- Otto Friedrich

“ The lessons that it teaches are fundamentally the lessons that all great battles teach That even the most carefully prepared plans often go wrong. That lucky breaks are very important. ”

- Otto Friedrich

“ In my youth, once, when I had a really exquisite toothache, I suddenly realized that my tooth had temporarily become the centre of the universe, that its outcries were more important than anything else, and that I would do absolutely anything to placate it… ”

- Otto Friedrich

“ Madness is part of all of us, all the time, and it comes and goes, waxes and wanes. ”

- Otto Friedrich

“ It teaches that war is cruel and wasteful but sometimes necessary. That a blundering victory is more to be valued than a heroic defeat. That might and right sometimes come to the same end. All these things happened on June 6, 1944. ”

- Otto Friedrich
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