Quotes of Osama Bin Laden - somelinesforyou

“ We did not find it difficult to deal with Bush and his administration, because it is similar to regimes in our countries - both types include many who are full of arrogance and greed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ I have sworn to only live free. Even if I find bitter the taste of death, I don't want to die humiliated or deceived. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ The dream to kill me will never be completed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ The dream to kill me will never be completed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ I heard about the bombings the same way everyone else heard about them, from the television or radio. I did not order them but was very glad for what happened to the Americans there. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Victory and glory or misery and humiliation. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Your security is not in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your own hands. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Victory and glory or misery and humiliation. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ I have sworn to only live free. Even if I find bitter the taste of death, I don't want to die humiliated or deceived. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Your security is not in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your own hands. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ We did not find it difficult to deal with Bush and his administration, because it is similar to regimes in our countries - both types include many who are full of arrogance and greed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ The dream to kill me will never be completed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ The dream to kill me will never be completed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Your security is not in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your own hands. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ We did not find it difficult to deal with Bush and his administration, because it is similar to regimes in our countries - both types include many who are full of arrogance and greed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ It appeared to him that a little girl's talk about her goat and its butting was more important than the planes and their butting of the skyscrapers. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Victory and glory or misery and humiliation. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Your security does not lie in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al-Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Worse than the Jews. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ Your security does not lie in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al-Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ We did not find it difficult to deal with Bush and his administration, because it is similar to regimes in our countries - both types include many who are full of arrogance and greed. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ And he moved the tyranny and suppression of freedom to his own country, and they called it the Patriot Act under the disguise of fighting terrorism. ”

- Osama Bin Laden

“ I heard about the bombings the same way everyone else heard about them, from the television or radio. I did not order them but was very glad for what happened to the Americans there. ”

- Osama Bin Laden
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