Quotes of Olaotan Fawehinmi - somelinesforyou

“ They say "Life is short" but that is NOT true. Life is endless and so is Time. Both are in God's hands, immeasurable, and wait for no man. It is actually “Living and Timing”, both measured by a Clock and a Calendar, that are short and will pass away. A man may live for 200 years, but that is still "short" compared to the endless Life and Time. Like the path of a snake on the rock, so is Living without having Life and Timing without understanding Times & Seasons. In Living and Timing, always remember that we will not always be here, so let’s make the BEST USE of WHAT we have WHEN we still have it. ”

- Olaotan Fawehinmi

“ They say, a True King considers the advice of counsel but always follows his heart. Just like a Great Warrior. He is not the soldier that fights all the time, but one that knows when to fight and when to fly (hide). Same goes for a Wise Man, he doesn't just know what to say or do but also knows when, where, why, how and to whom he speaks or acts. Strength doesn’t lie in numbers and power is not a function of muscles. Weapons don’t bring peaceful slumbers, nor wealth a guarantee of good health. Maturity is not directly proportional to age and slavery does not necessarily mean being locked up in a cage. It takes courage to serve with reliance and grace to face your mistakes without defiance. He that is down need fear no fall; as a dog destined to be lost will never hear the hunter's call. Wisdom – wise domain – is a realm to attain, a kingdom to reign in, not just some impulse or sensation. A man can never be slave to the knowledge he has, nor the understanding he applies. And therein lies his wisdom. Wisdom builds, understanding establishes and knowledge fills with wealth. The wealth of knowledge is understanding and the knowledge of understanding is WISDOM! ”

- Olaotan Fawehinmi

“ It is not everyone who dies that actually lived. And of those who live, only a few are alive. Those who live get to make a living from doing what they love or don't love to do. But those who are alive, they give to make a life from being who they were meant to be. So live, know, do and get if you only want to make a living. But be alive, be wise, become and give if you really want to make a life. ”

- Olaotan Fawehinmi
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