Quotes of Odell Shepard - somelinesforyou

“ There are people who not only strive to remain static themselves, but strive to keep everything else so… their position is almost laughably hopeless. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ There are people who not only strive to remain static themselves, but strive to keep everything else so… their position is almost laughably hopeless. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ One can enjoy a wood fire worthily only when he warms his thoughts by it as well as his hands and feet. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ There are people who not only strive to remain static themselves, but strive to keep everything else so… their position is almost laughably hopeless. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ There are people who not only strive to remain static themselves, but strive to keep everything else so… their position is almost laughably hopeless. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ One can enjoy a wood fire worthily only when he warms his thoughts by it as well as his hands and feet. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ There are people who not only strive to remain static themselves, but strive to keep everything else so… their position is almost laughably hopeless. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ The unicorn is one of the most beautiful of the "shapes that haunt thought's wilderness.". ”

- Odell Shepard

“ We may never know precisely when or where or how the legend of the unicorn began. It pervades recorded time and may be dimly visible even in the clouds that hover just above history's sunrise. The mystery of its origin... is one of the legend's most evident charms… ”

- Odell Shepard

“ One can enjoy a wood fire worthily only when he warms his thoughts by it as well as his hands and feet. ”

- Odell Shepard

“ The unicorn is one of the most beautiful of the "shapes that haunt thought's wilderness.". ”

- Odell Shepard
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