Quotes of Nostradamus - somelinesforyou

“ We need god to prosper those without him will not. ”

- Nostradamus

“ Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader. ”

- Nostradamus

“ Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader. ”

- Nostradamus

“ Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader. ”

- Nostradamus

“ Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader. ”

- Nostradamus

“ Come the millennium, month 12, In the home of greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader. ”

- Nostradamus
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