Quotes of Nina Guilbeau - somelinesforyou

“ Everyone keeps telling me that time heals all wounds, but no one can tell me what I’m supposed to do right now. Right now I can’t sleep. It’s right now that I can’t eat. Right now I still hear his voice and sense his presence even though I know he’s not here. Right now all I seem to do is cry. I know all about time and wounds healing, but even if I had all the time in the world, I still don’t know what to do with all this hurt right now. ”

- Nina Guilbeau

“ Be unapologetically yourself. That's easier said than done, but most worthwhile things are. ”

- Nina Guilbeau

“ Even when we do not actively participate in our destiny, we are still on a chosen path. Life has a way of making decisions for us. ”

- Nina Guilbeau
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