Quotes of Nicole Douglas - somelinesforyou

“ Smelling the hint of his cologne. Hearing his voice speak her name. It was like reopening a cut you thought already healed and pouring salt directly into it. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ She was like a drug and he was letting her get back in his system just by standing there with her. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ You better not hurt my sister, Kyle.” James finally added. “I’m not. I promise.” “Good. We’re friends and all but…if you hurt her, I would have to kick your ass. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ I thought you were mad at me." She whispered, looking intently in his eyes before briefly glancing at his lips. “I was." He admitted. "But no matter how mad I am I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Now let’s get out of here. It’s freezing. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ He had never felt so illatease on a date in his life. Then again, going on a date with your best friend was a delicate matter. He had to proceed with the utmost care and caution. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ she felt the same deep connection he did. It had always been there and it seemed that the time spent apart had done nothing to snuff it. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ Now boarding flight 266." "That's you." Kyle whispered into her hair. On that note, she gave him one last squeeze and broke their embrace. She took off her glasses folded them up in her hand and looked him straight in the eyes. "Goodbye Kyle." A heartbreaking finality rang in her tone. "Goodbye Jessie. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ The longer she was around him the harder it would be to let go when it finally came to an end. And with Kyle everything came to an end eventually. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ That's exactly what it would be to fall in love with him again; pure trouble and a twice broken heart. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ He knew it was a horrible time, but seeing her kicked his heart into overdrive. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ The stranger spun her around, gloved hand still securely over her mouth. She considered trying to bite down on his fingers and run straight for Kyle. At least then they would both die together. It wasn’t much in terms of comfort, but it damn sure beat both of them dying alone. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ Despite the looming threat to his own life, he still felt the strong drive to protect Jessica in every cell of his body. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ even when he was being a complete and total ass, he was still one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ He knew how long she had been waiting and wanted her to be completely ready, even if that meant he didn’t get the relief tonight. He could wait forever if it meant doing right by her. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ Knowing she was a poor liar under pressure kept him from telling her the truth. He remembered far too many occasions as kids when they had formulated a story to stay out of trouble with their parents and she had blown it within seconds. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ Let her go." Kyle implored just above a whisper, not wanting her to hear. "She doesn't even know what's going on. I haven't told her anything. Whatever you want, you can get it from me." Deep down he knew his request would be quickly brushed off. Sheer desperation and a loss for anything else to do pushed him to at least try. As he suspected, Alex Rodriguez spoke, confirming their fate. "Nobody is leaving here Mr. Winters. Especially not her. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ Something told her to get off the plane and come after him. At the time she thought that something was the need to get one last kiss. But now it looked a lot like it was some unexplained intuition that was telling her he was in deep shit. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ Looking at his bare chest and perfectly chiseled abs did not settle the twist in her gut or the flutter of her heart at her recent acceptance that she still loved the man. One kiss and it all came back, washing over her in an overwhelming wave. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ I had to leave before all those great times we had turned to shit. In my world good things don't last. And great things, things like what we had, sure as hell don't. I was saving us both from a lot of heartache down the road. ”

- Nicole Douglas

“ Do you even know where we are?" She asked after the sky began to darken. "Yes." He grumbled; annoyed at her lack of faith in him as well as the fact that he wasn't so sure he did know where they were anymore. But he sure as hell didn’t want to admit it. ”

- Nicole Douglas
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