Quotes of Neel Burton - somelinesforyou

“ The disease of the soul is both more common and more deadly than the disease of the body. Just as medicine is the art devoted to healing the body, so philosophy is the art devoted to healing the soul, curing it of improper emotions, false beliefs, and faulty judgments, which are the causes of so much hardship and handicap. To heal the body one turns to the practitioner of the art of healing the body, but to heal the soul there is no doctor to turn to, and each of us is left to become that doctor unto himself. Yet, this need not stop us from exhorting others to imitate us in the godly art, in the forlorn hope that they might transform themselves into better citizens for Athens and better companions for us. ”

- Neel Burton

“ If we are to live, we must first learn to die. ”

- Neel Burton

“ Many things can prolong your life, but only wisdom can save it. ”

- Neel Burton

“ According to the Buddha, the failure to recognize the illusion of the self is the source of all ignorance and unhappiness. It is only by renouncing the self, that is, by dropping his ego defences and committing metaphorical suicide, that a person can open up to different modes of being and relating and thereby transform himself into a pure essence of humanity. In so doing, he becomes free to recast himself as a much more joyful and productive person, and attains the only species of transcendence and immortality that is open to man. ”

- Neel Burton

“ Music is the school and the hospital of the emotions. ”

- Neel Burton

“ The highest purpose of education is to unlearn what we once took for granted, to replace certainty with subtlety, prejudice with compassion, and destiny with possibility. ”

- Neel Burton

“ Wonder begets culture, which begets yet more wonder, and the end of wonder is wisdom, which is the state of perpetual wonder. ”

- Neel Burton

“ Music is the school and the hospital of the emotions. ”

- Neel Burton

“ The problem with studying is that it gets in the way of education. ”

- Neel Burton

“ The highest purpose of education is to unlearn what we once took for granted, to replace certainty with subtlety, prejudice with compassion, and destiny with possibility. ”

- Neel Burton

“ Wonder begets culture, which begets yet more wonder, and the end of wonder is wisdom, which is the state of perpetual wonder. ”

- Neel Burton

“ The problem with studying is that it gets in the way of education. ”

- Neel Burton
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