Quotes of Natasha Henstridge - somelinesforyou

“ Well, thank you. I do exercise in fact I am an exercise freak. Can't do without my regular work out. I'm not letting you in on any more of my secrets! ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ I began as a model, but that did not really hold my interest for too long! I believe I stood out from the parade of models trying to make it in Hollywood, which helped launch my career beyond the one-night-stand horror movie. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Even my parents are so cute, and they deal with every movie of mine excellently. They check with me ever so casually by asking 'Now how much of nudity are we going to see in this one?'. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Where is this Hollywood scene, where is it? I'd like to find it one day… If I want to go out and have a good time, I go to New York. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ My main aim has always been to do good quality films with roles that have some substance. With Power and Beauty there were loads of things that I liked about the movie, which made me opt for it. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Well, I have a couple of projects in the pipeline, but I'm taking things slow for now and being choosy about the roles I take up. One thing I can assure you of is that you are going to see a lot of me! ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ I think I have been very lucky as far as my acting career goes. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Where is this Hollywood scene, where is it? I'd like to find it one day… If I want to go out and have a good time, I go to New York. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Today, I guess I give a lot more thought to the roles before I sign them. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Well, I have a couple of projects in the pipeline, but I'm taking things slow for now and being choosy about the roles I take up. One thing I can assure you of is that you are going to see a lot of me! ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Even my parents are so cute, and they deal with every movie of mine excellently. They check with me ever so casually by asking 'Now how much of nudity are we going to see in this one?'. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Where is this Hollywood scene, where is it? I'd like to find it one day… If I want to go out and have a good time, I go to New York. ”

- Natasha Henstridge

“ Where is this Hollywood scene, where is it? I'd like to find it one day… If I want to go out and have a good time, I go to New York. ”

- Natasha Henstridge
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