Quotes of Muriel Fox - somelinesforyou

“ Women and men have to fight together to change society — and both will benefit. ”

- Muriel Fox

“ Total commitment to family and total commitment to career is possible, but fatiguing. ”

- Muriel Fox

“ While you don't need a formal written contract before you get married, I think it's important for both partners to spell out what they expect from each other… There are always plenty of surprises — and lots of give and take — once you're married. ”

- Muriel Fox

“ Total commitment to family and total commitment to career is possible, but fatiguing. ”

- Muriel Fox

“ While you don't need a formal written contract before you get married, I think it's important for both partners to spell out what they expect from each other… There are always plenty of surprises — and lots of give and take — once you're married. ”

- Muriel Fox

“ While you don't need a formal written contract before you get married, I think it's important for both partners to spell out what they expect from each other… There are always plenty of surprises — and lots of give and take — once you're married. ”

- Muriel Fox

“ While you don't need a formal written contract before you get married, I think it's important for both partners to spell out what they expect from each other… There are always plenty of surprises — and lots of give and take — once you're married. ”

- Muriel Fox

“ While you don't need a formal written contract before you get married, I think it's important for both partners to spell out what they expect from each other… There are always plenty of surprises — and lots of give and take — once you're married. ”

- Muriel Fox
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