Quotes of Mrs. Jamieson - somelinesforyou

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ The only competition worthy a wise man is with himself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ What we truly and earnestly aspire to be, in some sense we are. The mere aspiration, changes one frame of mind and for the moment realizes itself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ What we truly and earnestly aspire to be, in some sense we are. The mere aspiration, changes one frame of mind and for the moment realizes itself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson

“ What we truly and earnestly aspire to be, in some sense we are. The mere aspiration, changes one frame of mind and for the moment realizes itself. ”

- Mrs. Jamieson
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