Quotes of Morrissey - somelinesforyou

“ To me you are a work of art, and I would give you my heart that's if I had one. ”

- Morrissey

“ Disappointment came to me, and booted me, and bruised and hurt me, but that's how people grow up. ”

- Morrissey

“ Tried living in the real world instead of a shell, but I was bored before I even began. ”

- Morrissey

“ Don't leave it all unsaid, somewhere in the wasteland of your head. ”

- Morrissey

“ I can chase you, and I can catch you, but there is nothing I can do to make you mine. ”

- Morrissey

“ Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me. No hope, no harm; just another false alarm ”

- Morrissey

“ I still don't belong to anyone I am mine. ”

- Morrissey

“ Disappointment came to me, and booted me, and bruised and hurt me, but that's how people grow up. ”

- Morrissey

“ You're not right in the head, and nor am I, and this is why....this is why I like you. ”

- Morrissey

“ Tried living in the real world instead of a shell, but I was bored before I even began. ”

- Morrissey

“ To me you are a work of art, and I would give you my heart that's if I had one. ”

- Morrissey

“ Don't leave it all unsaid, somewhere in the wasteland of your head. ”

- Morrissey

“ I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does. ”

- Morrissey

“ Rejection is one thing but rejection from a fool is cruel. ”

- Morrissey

“ I can chase you, and I can catch you, but there is nothing I can do to make you mine. ”

- Morrissey

“ Can you squeeze me into an empty page of your diary and psychologically save me? ”

- Morrissey

“ I'd love to...but only with you. ”

- Morrissey

“ I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now. ”

- Morrissey

“ I don't mind if you forget me. Having learned my lesson, I never left an impression on anyone. ”

- Morrissey

“ It begins in the heart...and it hurts when it's true. It only hurts because it's true. ”

- Morrissey

“ I do maintain that if your hair is wrong, your entire life is wrong. ”

- Morrissey

“ If you must write prose or poems, the words you use should be your own. Don't plagiarize or take 'on loan'. There's always someone, somewhere, with a big nose, who knows, who'll trip you up and laugh when you fall. ”

- Morrissey

“ Sing your life; any fool can think of words that rhyme. ”

- Morrissey

“ In my life Why do I give valuable time To people who don't care if I live or die ? ”

- Morrissey

“ God, come down, if you're really there Well, you're the one who claims to care! ”

- Morrissey

“ I hate most people. And I don’t want to, it’s an awful way to be. But the human race gives me no comfort. I find myself turning to books and films for comfort still. It’s repulsive, because one’s life consists of people, not things. ”

- Morrissey

“ With no reason to hide these words I feel, and no reason to talk about the books I read, but still, I do. ”

- Morrissey

“ I hate most people. And I don’t want to, it’s an awful way to be. But the human race gives me no comfort. I find myself turning to books and films for comfort still. It’s repulsive, because one’s life consists of people, not things. ”

- Morrissey

“ With no reason to hide these words I feel, and no reason to talk about the books I read, but still, I do. ”

- Morrissey

“ Work is a four-letter word. ”

- Morrissey
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