Quotes of Morgan Housel - somelinesforyou

“ How long you stay invested for will likely be the single most important factor determining how well you do at investing. ”

- Morgan Housel

“ You are under no obligation to read or watch financial news. If you do, you are under no obligation to take any of it seriously. ”

- Morgan Housel

“ You can control your portfolio allocation, your own education, who you choose to listen to, what you choose to read, what evidence you choose to pay attention to, and how you respond to certain events. You cannot control what the Fed does, laws Congress sets, the next jobs report, or whether a company will beat earnings estimates. Focus on the former; try to ignore the latter. ”

- Morgan Housel

“ Since 1900 the S&P 500 has returned about 6% per year, but the average difference between any year’s highest close and lowest close is 23%. Remember this the next time someone tries to explain why the market is up or down by a few percentage points. They are basically trying to explain why summer came after spring. ”

- Morgan Housel

“ How long you stay invested for will likely be the single most important factor determining how well you do at investing. ”

- Morgan Housel

“ Investors want to believe in someone. Forecasters want to earn a nice living. One of those groups is going to get suckered. I think you know who. ”

- Morgan Housel
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