Quotes of Mohammed Daoud - somelinesforyou

“ We did not target Israeli civilians. Whether a pianist or an athlete, any Israeli is a soldier. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ Terrorists and narcotics are very close, they're supporting each other. When narcotics production is up, terrorism automatically goes up. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ Terrorists and narcotics are very close, they're supporting each other. When narcotics production is up, terrorism automatically goes up. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ We did not target Israeli civilians. Whether a pianist or an athlete, any Israeli is a soldier. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ We did not target Israeli civilians. Whether a pianist or an athlete, any Israeli is a soldier. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ History tells me that when the Russians come to a country they don't go back. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ Terrorists and narcotics are very close, they're supporting each other. When narcotics production is up, terrorism automatically goes up. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ Terrorists and narcotics are very close, they're supporting each other. When narcotics production is up, terrorism automatically goes up. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ Terrorists and narcotics are very close, they're supporting each other. When narcotics production is up, terrorism automatically goes up. ”

- Mohammed Daoud

“ Terrorists and narcotics are very close, they're supporting each other. When narcotics production is up, terrorism automatically goes up. ”

- Mohammed Daoud
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