Quotes of Mel Robbins - somelinesforyou

“ Positive thoughts = Positive life. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Your doubts create mountains, but your actions move them. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ 20 years of anxiety and panic attacks were a huge blessing for me, without it I wouldn’t appreciate the peace of mind I have now. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Whatever you’re going through… you are not alone. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Nothing changes if nothing changes. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Nothing changes if nothing changes. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Success doesn’t matter if you can’t keep your humility. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Let your work speak for you, and then just keep working. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ An apology without change is just manipulation. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ You learn a lot from your mistakes when you stop denying them. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Learn the lesson and move on. ”

- Mel Robbins

“ Never stop learning. Never stop growing. ”

- Mel Robbins
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