Quotes of Medgar Evers - somelinesforyou

“ Hate is a wasteful emotion. Most of the people you hate never know it. The others don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ When you hate, the only person who suffers is you. Because those you hate probably don't know, and those who do, don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ Hate is a wasteful emotion. Most of the people you hate never know it. The others don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ Hate is a wasteful emotion. Most of the people you hate never know it. The others don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ When you hate, the only person who suffers is you. Because those you hate probably don't know, and those who do, don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ The gifts of God should be enjoyed by all citizens in Mississippi. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ When you hate, the only person who suffers is you. Because those you hate probably don't know, and those who do, don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ The gifts of God should be enjoyed by all citizens in Mississippi. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ You can kill a man but you can't kill an idea. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ When you hate, the only person who suffers is you. Because those you hate probably don't know, and those who do, don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers

“ Hate is a wasteful emotion. Most of the people you hate never know it. The others don't care. ”

- Medgar Evers
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