Quotes of Maya Banks - somelinesforyou

“ Simply holding on to that tangible link between mother and daughter. A bond like no other. Irreplaceable. Unwavering. Old as time itself. There truly was nothing like the love of a mother. Unconditional. Solid. Indefinable and limitless. Capable of surviving anything. Able to triumph over the impossible. ”

- Maya Banks

“ I'm not stubborn. My way is just better. ”

- Maya Banks

“ When would he learn that women never stayed where you put them? ”

- Maya Banks

“ Women were supposed to be the enigmas, but men? Moody, brooding bastards, the lot of them. A woman with PMS had nothing on a man. Where women might get hormonal once a month, men suffered their own brand of PMS on a daily basis. Faith ”

- Maya Banks

“ It doesn’t matter. I love you. That’s it. That’s all. I hope to hell it’s enough. ”

- Maya Banks

“ She laid her head against his collarbone, and he kissed her temple. To her shock, she felt a shudder roll through his body about the same time she registered wetness against her skin. Tears. His tears. She started to turn around, but he tightened his grip. “Stay,” he said in a choked voice. “Just let me hold you, baby. Just let me hold you. ”

- Maya Banks

“ I know this woman.” “Who the hell is she?” He stared both his brothers down. “She’s mine. ”

- Maya Banks

“ Never be afraid to tell me anything,” he whispered against her hair. “No matter how ashamed you might feel. I’ll never judge you, Rachel. I love you. ”

- Maya Banks

“ I want him to burn for me, to not be able to go a day without touching me, holding me, caressing me. He’ll be an excellent lover. I want a man who knows how to please me, ”

- Maya Banks

“ Sophie, honey, stop looking at me like that,” Garrett said gruffly. “You’ll have me convinced I’m going to die.” “You’re not? ”

- Maya Banks

“ Is there something wrong?” he asked. She gave a short negative motion with her head. And then words, so sweet, like a cool northern breeze blowing off the lake. “You could hold me now.” It was almost his undoing. “Ah baby. ”

- Maya Banks
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