Quotes of Matt Lucas - somelinesforyou

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I was hoping that the appeal of the show would stretch beyond the anglophile and comedy-obsessed. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ When I left school I was full of angst, like any teenager, and I channeled it all into comedy. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I was hoping that the appeal of the show would stretch beyond the anglophile and comedy-obsessed. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I was hoping that the appeal of the show would stretch beyond the anglophile and comedy-obsessed. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I was hoping that the appeal of the show would stretch beyond the anglophile and comedy-obsessed. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ People will love something very much or hate something very much. But the great thing about a sketch show is that if something comes along that you don't like, something else will come along in a minute that hopefully you might like that. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I mean comedy is something that's very personal and people have strong opinions about. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ When I left school I was full of angst, like any teenager, and I channeled it all into comedy. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I'm a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I loved all the camp comics of my childhood, Kenneth Williams and Frankie Howerd and John Inman, but school gave me a very bad feeling about being gay and then, when I was about 12 - bang, along came AIDS. I can't think of a single positive thing about being gay at that time. ”

- Matt Lucas

“ I was hoping that the appeal of the show would stretch beyond the anglophile and comedy-obsessed. ”

- Matt Lucas
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