Quotes of Matt Long - somelinesforyou

“ People are more laid back and live life a little slower in Winchester. In New York everything is bam, bam, bam - you have to go fast and move. ”

- Matt Long

“ People are more laid back and live life a little slower in Winchester. In New York everything is bam, bam, bam - you have to go fast and move. ”

- Matt Long

“ People are more laid back and live life a little slower in Winchester. In New York everything is bam, bam, bam - you have to go fast and move. ”

- Matt Long

“ People are more laid back and live life a little slower in Winchester. In New York everything is bam, bam, bam - you have to go fast and move. ”

- Matt Long

“ People are more laid back and live life a little slower in Winchester. In New York everything is bam, bam, bam - you have to go fast and move. ”

- Matt Long

“ People are more laid back and live life a little slower in Winchester. In New York everything is bam, bam, bam - you have to go fast and move. ”

- Matt Long
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