Quotes of Mark Rogers - somelinesforyou

“ We are deeply saddened by the destruction inflicted on this beautiful and historically rich part of America. The donation is our attempt at helping to alleviate some of the suffering. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ It's tough to work on things while you're trying to win a ballgame. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ He had a great life. He did a lot of wonderful things, not only in sports but in the community. He was a real gentleman. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ My approach to life can't be summed up in a pithy quote, and if yours can, you're in trouble. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ That was the toughest part, learning how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ He had a great life. He did a lot of wonderful things, not only in sports but in the community. He was a real gentleman. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ My approach to life can't be summed up in a pithy quote, and if yours can, you're in trouble. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ It's tough to work on things while you're trying to win a ballgame. ”

- Mark Rogers

“ That was the toughest part, learning how to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. ”

- Mark Rogers
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